More mature digital management also depends on greater awareness and competence. The Foundation will continuously work on the development of a mature digital culture.
The practices, experiences and network of relations activated by the Foundation are also expressed through a series of events. Periodic appointments that mark the rhythm of the work in progress, the progress of the debate, new developments and allow for a lively and participatory exchange with all those involved.
Any debate and evolution must be closely associated with a solid and fruitful scientific and research activity, guided by our Scientific Committee, but also carried out in collaboration with the best resources in the fields of digital and innovation.
Each strand of activity and research is strongly linked to constant training and updating. The Foundation is committed to the development and focus of skills and professionalism.
The Foundation is also dedicated to publishing the best contributions produced as a result of its activities. The aim is to make available the widest possible knowledge on digital 360 degrees.
The Foundation actively supports and promotes the development of digital and the development of specific responses to the ongoing revolution in dialogue with all stakeholders and with the aim of quality collaboration between the public and private sectors.
Meet, get to know each other, discuss, debate. The creation of physical and virtual places for sharing is a central interest of the Foundation. The Foundation is open to everyone's participation and contribution.
Expertise and always active and participative debate are available to all to elaborate the best policies on the digital world. The ongoing revolution must be governed and tackled in the best possible way in order to make the most of the great potential of digital in our daily lives.
The Foundation participates in local, national and EU calls and projects for digital development, including opportunities for collaboration with various public and private entities interested in a common growth path.