Director of the Observatory on Digital Communication of PA Social - of which he is a founding member - and Vice-President of Istituto Piepoli, where he is also Marketing Director. Sociologist, he is the author of numerous essays on marketing and public opinion. He comments on social, economic and political phenomena in the main national media.
Davide D’Arcangelo
Segretario Generale
An expert in innovation and industrial policies, he has significant experience in the management of European funds and corporate finance, founder of Next4, an accelerator and qualifying investor for CDP venture, which invests in digital helath and innovability, in collaboration with the Select USA programme, the National Institute of Nuclear Physics and the law firm Orrick and Suttcliffe of San Francisco(USA.) Today, he is an Innovation manager registered with MISE and is an Investor relator for important scale-ups such as Speri Ingegneria, AAtech and Termo Spa, an energy fintech company, formerly owned by mediaset and now acquired by Fondo italiano strategico (cdp).
Francesco Nicodemo
Direttore editoriale
Born in 1978, he has been involved in strategic communication and digital innovation for ten years. He has worked for organisations, companies, politics, third parties. He has been communications advisor at Palazzo Chigi and the PD's national communications manager. He collaborates with Luiss Guido Carli University in Rome at the chair of Information Law and writes for national magazines and newspapers. He is a columnist for Corriere del Mezzogiorno and L'Economia del Corriere del Mezzogiorno. He wrote 'Disinformazia - la comunicazione al tempo dei social media' for Marsilio editori.
Antonio Mazzei
Administrative manager
Chartered Accountant - Graduated in Economics, qualified as a Chartered Accountant registered in the Order of Cosenza - section A number 939, he specialises in tax, accounting and administrative consultancy, with a particular flair for cost control in companies. He is an expert in management control in private and non-profit associations, social cooperatives and start-ups in various sectors. He is the sole director of several companies that have enabled him over the years to develop various organisational management models in addition to accounting and taxation.
Benedetta Gori
Responsabile segreteria e organizzazione
Dopo aver completato gli studi nel campo della pubblicità e della fotografia, si è dedicata allo sviluppo di nuove strutture ricettive nel territorio fiorentino, contribuendo a organizzare e lanciare nuove realtà a 360 gradi. Attualmente, riveste la posizione di responsabile amministrativo presso diversi gruppi e agenzie, guidando la strategia di sviluppo aziendale e gestendo i rapporti con i partner.
Chiara Restuccia
Supporto segreteria organizzativa
Dopo una formazione universitaria tanto diversa quanto complementare comincia a muove i primi passi nell'organizzazione e gestione d'impresa nel 2020 all'interno di una multinazionale. Successivamente scopre il mondo dell'organizzazione di eventi e si approccia a quello che oggi è il ruolo che le appartiene, nel supporto organizzativo della Fondazione.
Fabio Malagnino
Coordinatore programma Festival Digitale Popolare
Professional journalist, press office coordinator, editor-in-chief of the Piedmont Regional Council newspaper and head of Open Government policies. He edits a blog and a newsletter on information and disinformation, digital communication, politics, public administration. He is a member of the scientific committee of the National Observatory on Digital Communication. Speaker and lecturer in numerous PAs, Universities and public initiatives on the topics of public and institutional communication, political communication and open government. He lives in Turin, in the San Salvario district, with his heart in Puglia.
Luigi Tucci
Direttore Eventi
I deal with strategic consulting, organisational development and human resources development, both in the public and private sectors. I teach Lean People at the Luiss Executive on Lean Management in Healthcare. I have been a professional journalist since 2004, with many years of experience in teaching and training workshops (University of Florence, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna of Pisa, Bocconi Business School); over the years I have published several books on the subject of corporate growth and enhancement. As administrator of Open Comunicazione, thanks to professionals in the sector, I deal with enhancing and defining the personal & brand identity of our clients with specific reference to the imperatives linked to the new digital communication and the world of social media.
Christian Tosolin
Direttore di Digitale Popolare
Giornalista, direttore di, social media manager del Comune di Trieste, formatore pubblico sui temi dell'innovazione e della comunicazione digitale
Marco Bani
Coordinatore contenuti e progetti
Marco Bani, Ph.D. In passato Capo Segreteria presso il Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico. In passato Public Policy Manager per Amazon Web Services e fino al 2018 Capo della Segreteria Tecnica dell'AgID (Agenzia per l'Italia digitale), agenzia della Presidenza del Consiglio incaricata di promuovere l'innovazione e l'uso di processi digitali.
Dal punto di vista accademico ha sviluppato collaborazioni con il Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) e King's College of London, esperienze culminate con il Dottorato di Ricerca in "Politica, diritti umani e sostenibilità" presso la Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna di Pisa.
Salvatore De Grazia
Statutory Auditor - Entry in the Register of Auditors no. 153867 Graduated in Economics, qualified as a Chartered Accountant, he specialises in tax, accounting and administrative consultancy, with a particular flair for company cost control. Expert in techniques and methods for drawing up projects in order to obtain funding for the development of training interventions aimed at companies and public bodies, with particular focus on existing funding opportunities at the various levels of government (EU, national and regional) and the information sources through which to identify them; techniques for setting up and managing national and international partnerships; project management during the implementation phase; reporting of expenses incurred.