The General Council, composed of the Founding Members,
directs the Foundation’s activities and ensures the pursuit of its mission
Giuseppe Ariano
Pietro Biglia
I take care of digital marketing at L'Eco della Stampa and try to explore all opportunities for improvement in today's great digital age. I see my work as an innovative way to attract interest and build a narrative in the meantime. The beauty of stories is that they make sense wherever they go, even when something goes wrong!
Annalisa D'Errico
Institutional communicator and journalist, graduated in Modern Literature at the University of Turin. She is in charge of the Communication, Press and Web Editorial Office of Unioncamere Piemonte, coordinator for Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta of the national association PA Social and editor of Co-author of "PA brand expert. Competenze e strumenti per i comunicatori della pubblica amministrazione" (FrancoAngeli, 2021) and "Figli Virtuali. Percorso educativo alla tutela e alla complicità nella famiglia digitale" (Erickson, 2018). Trainer on issues related to media education and digital education.
Francesco Di Costanzo
Giornalista. Fondatore e presidente di PA Social - Associazione nazionale per la comunicazione e informazione digitale. Fondatore e presidente Fondazione Italia Digitale. Fondatore e direttore della testata giornalistica Esperto di comunicazione, social network e autore dei libri "Digitale. La nuova era della comunicazione e informazione pubblica. Storia e prospettive del modello italiano" (2021. Giunti Editore), "PA Social. Viaggio nell'Italia della nuova comunicazione tra lavoro, servizi e innovazione" (2017. Franco Angeli Editore), “Cittadini di Twitter. La nuova comunicazione nei servizi pubblici locali” (2012, Indiscreto Stefano Olivari Editore), “Comune di Twitter” (Anci Toscana – Polistampa Editore, 2013), “WhatsApp in città? La nuova frontiera della comunicazione pubblica” (Di Costanzo - Marrucci, 2015, Indiscreto Stefano Olivari Editore). Coordinatore del modulo in Comunicazione pubblica digitale del Master Luiss in Comunicazione e Marketing Politico e Istituzionale. Docente di Social Media Management all’Università di Camerino. Membro del gruppo di lavoro del Ministero della Pubblica Amministrazione per la riforma della legge 150 sulla comunicazione pubblica. Organizzatore, relatore e docente a numerosi appuntamenti, nazionali e internazionali, sulla comunicazione e informazione digitale. Ideatore degli eventi nazionali PA Social Day e Stati Generali della nuova comunicazione pubblica, del premio Smartphone d'Oro, dei percorsi formativi PA Social Academy e Accademia nazionale sulla comunicazione e informazione digitale, della Nazionale italiana comunicazione digitale e, con PA Social e Istituto Piepoli, dell’Osservatorio nazionale sulla comunicazione digitale.
Livio Gigliuto
Director of the Observatory on Digital Communication of PA Social - of which he is a founding member - and Vice-President of Istituto Piepoli, where he is also Marketing Director. Sociologist, he is the author of numerous essays on marketing and public opinion. He comments on social, economic and political phenomena in the main national media.
Fabio Malagnino
Professional journalist, press office coordinator, editor-in-chief of the Piedmont Regional Council newspaper and head of Open Government policies. He edits a blog and a newsletter on information and disinformation, digital communication, politics, public administration. He is a member of the scientific committee of the National Observatory on Digital Communication. Speaker and lecturer in numerous PAs, Universities and public initiatives on the topics of public and institutional communication, political communication and open government. He lives in Turin, in the San Salvario district, with his heart in Puglia.
Andrea Marrucci
Journalist and social networking expert. Deputy editor of Cittadini di Twitter, founder of Pa Social and social media strategist for public bodies and private companies. Editor of Il giornale della Toscana, he is now operations director of Open Comunicazione. He has written for national newspapers and participated in in-depth and informative television programmes. Organiser and speaker at conferences, seminars and live events. Author with Francesco Di Costanzo of the book "Cittadini di Twitter. La nuova comunicazione nei servizi pubblici locali" published by Indiscreto Stefano Olivari editore. Member of the institutional table on Social Media Policy at the Ministry for Public Administration.
Francesco Nicodemo
Born in 1978, he has been involved in strategic communication and digital innovation for ten years. He has worked for organisations, companies, politics, third parties. He has been communications advisor at Palazzo Chigi and the PD's national communications manager. He collaborates with Luiss Guido Carli University in Rome at the chair of Information Law and writes for national magazines and newspapers. He is a columnist for Corriere del Mezzogiorno and L'Economia del Corriere del Mezzogiorno. He wrote 'Disinformazia - la comunicazione al tempo dei social media' for Marsilio editori.
Luigi Tucci
I deal with strategic consulting, organisational development and human resources development, both in the public and private sectors. I teach Lean People at the Luiss Executive on Lean Management in Healthcare. I have been a professional journalist since 2004, with many years of experience in teaching and training workshops (University of Florence, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna of Pisa, Bocconi Business School); over the years I have published several books on the subject of corporate growth and enhancement. As administrator of Open Comunicazione, thanks to professionals in the sector, I deal with enhancing and defining the personal & brand identity of our clients with specific reference to the imperatives linked to the new digital communication and the world of social media.